For the Girls! Series Intro

When I was a young girl, I would always look forward to my graduation from high school as the most exciting time that I could imagine in my future. I would be off to college, have my own house and car, have a great paying job, hang out with friends all the time, and eventually find the man of my dreams, get married, and live happily ever after.

Then I graduated from high school.

And things weren't as I imagined.

You see: I realized just how much college costs. And how much a house or even an apartment cost. And how expensive a car really is. I had no qualifications for a great paying job. Friends were working or off to school. And, well, there was no way I was ready to find the man of my dreams because I started working right away at a local fast food restaurant as much as possible to save money for school.

Most young girls dream all about that wedding day: the white dress, long veil, beautiful flowers, the dashing man in a tux. And, whether we like it or not, society has the opinion that after high school and into college, girls should start dating, and after a few years, should get married and, as always, live happily ever after. And, for those of you who have this, great! Enjoy where you are in your life! But sometimes, those of us who are a little bit "behind" get pulled into that thinking and start looking for love because that's just what is expected! And, when we are still single a few years later, we sometimes feel that something is wrong with us.

So many times as little girls, we think that the time after high school will be the greatest time of our lives because everything would be perfect, but we soon realize how crazy and delusional we really were.

Let's face it, being a girl isn't always fun! There's the proverbial "perfect body" that we're expected to have, those crazy hormone levels, and those horrible but amazing chocolate cravings, the ever changing fashion trends, and just other expectations that people have for us! 

Twice a month, I want to add a new post to this series! These posts are for the girls out there who were hit with reality of working a job, struggling (or enjoying) being single, being part of a family, wondering what the future holds, and learning how to love and embrace this life!I don't claim to be an expert at all! I'm just a girl who's experienced (and still experiencing) some of these situations and struggles, and I would love to share the things I've learned (and still am learning) with others!   From the most frustrating questions people ask to how to balance all the responsibilities – I hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as I enjoyed writing them!


  1. Just live your life to the fullest, which seems you are doing on your adventure to Germany :) Serve God and don't worry about that husband, just lean on the Lord and when you least expect it, God will send someone into your life. If you have the desire of marriage I believe God will fulfill it in His time. I've seen it over and over. Love you! Heidi

    1. I totally agree! And that's what I hope this series will be about! :) Learning to live where you are, and not earning for the future!! :) Thanks for commenting! :)


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