Many confuse being meek with being weak - that person who lets everyone run over them because they are afraid of others.
But some of the greatest men in the Bible were described as meek.
(Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)
Numbers 12:3
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”
Matthew 11:29
So what does it mean to be meek?
I did a little bit of study into the original language that was used. The Greek word, praus, was also used to describe a soothing medicine. Sailors also used this word when referring to a gentle breeze.
Being meek is power --- under control.
Great things
Under Control.
It doesn't mean letting everyone walk all over you, but it means having great influence, power and capability - but all under control - under the control of the Holy Spirit!
"The meek man is not a human mouse afflicted with a sense of his own inferiority. Rather he may be in his moral life as bold as a lion and as strong as Samson; but he has stopped being fooled about himself. He has accepted God's estimate of his own life. He knows he is as weak and helpless as God declared him to be, but paradoxically, he knows at the same time that he is in the sight of God of more importance than angels. In himself, nothing; in God, everything. That is his motto."
~A.W. Tozer
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