" If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet." John 13:14
I read this in my devotions a few days ago and was so convicted. If the Son of God, the Creator of everything around us, the Great Ruler of the universe - if God leaned down and washed the feet of men, how can I say that ANYTHING is ever beneath me? How can I feel put out when I have to so something that doesn't appeal to me? What gives me the right to take the easy road out and leaving others to do the undesirable tasks?
Everything - whether it's cleaning toilets at church, mowing the lawn, taking out the trash, changing a diaper - everything - should be done for the glory of God. Washing the feet of the disciples feet was Jesus' way of showing how to minister and serve others.
Going through the day, I want to think "How can I wash their feet?"
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